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Campaigning For Coin


Campaigning For Coin: Fan Favorite HELEN MIRREN

This edition of the Hunger Games fan site series "Campaigning For Coin" is our last one! Today we're focusing on fan favorite President Coin-cast, Helen Mirren. This series is where the Hunger Games fan sites sound off on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. As always, be warned: Spoilers!

Photo by Giles Keyte

Helen Mirren as President Coin by Nikola-Nikart


 Molly: Helen Mirren has been bandied about all over this fandom as a top pick for President Coin. I didn’t have her in my mind as I was reading Mockingjay, and I have to admit that Jodie Foster is my One True Love for Coin. But ever since I saw the amazing “Mirren as Coin” edit by Nikola-Nikart on tumblr, I can’t get her out of my mind for the role. I think some roles would be genius with a newcomer (ahem, Annie).  But this one, well, this one needs impact. We need someone in this role that can make us believe she could, with military precision, control a district for many years, underground, in secret while shepherding them through an epidemic and masterminding a rebellion, and then intimidate the crap out of Philip Seymour Hoffman, Woody Harrelson, and most importantly, Jennifer Lawrence. She’s too old, you say? Please. Jennifer Lawrence is supposed to be 17 years old in Mockingjay. I think we can all suspend disbelief long enough to put Helen Mirren in there as a 50-something. Have you seen the woman in a bikini? (No, seriously, the red bikini. Go Helen!!) And the woman can freaking ACT. She would be the perfect foil for Donald Sutherland as President Snow. Helen Mirren as Coin? Yes, please!!   

HG Fireside Chat

Adam: Is Helen Mirren too old? That's been the general complaint against one of England's greatest dames, and it's a valid one. But then -- Mirren has fought off aging with nearly as much proficiency as Katniss against the Careers. Mirren is also an extraordinary acting talent, and she has a proven track record of delivering a variety of complex characters with benevolent and sinister intentions. I'll admit, I have been a banner-waver for Mirren's consideration, and I think, though there are other extremely talented and capable actresses, none could match the aura and majesty of this Academy Award winner. (And if you're really concerned about age, you know these makeup people can shave off 20 years, right?)

The Hob

Amanda: I'm pretty sure Helen Mirren is one of those actresses who needs no introduction. Everyone knows who she is, what she looks like, and that she's been nominated for more acting awards than seems humanly possible....even if you've somehow never seen one of her movies. Which is basically the boat I'm in. Almost embarrassingly, I think the only movie I've ever seen Helen in is Red. But you know what, I'd still be more than happy to have her as Coin! I don't think anyone can argue against her acting ability and amazing reputation among her peers. She's older than I pictured Coin, but I could get over that in a matter of minutes because I'm pretty sure she could masterfully pull off Coin's cool, calm, determined, authoritative demeanor. I certainly wouldn't be the casting director to tell her "no" if she wanted the role!

Victor’s Village

Kait: Helen Mirren is an extraordinary talent. There's no doubt about it! But there's one thing that she's not... and that's Alma Coin. Despite her talent, Mirren is significantly older than the middle-aged character described in the books at age 68. There are plenty of incidents in which we can put character vs. actor age aside, but this just isn't one of them. She's really great at playing hard-edged authority figures, so she gets suggested for all the roles of this nature and after a while, it feels like typecasting. And while she has a voice that commands authority, she has the type of on-screen presence that would likely make the audience guess that Coin's intentions aren't purely helpful and ruin the fun of the ambigious character arc. We're not dissing the Dame! We love her! Just not for this role.

Welcome To District 12

Courtney/Tiffany: Helen Mirren is the first actress that immediately came to our mind when first reading about Coin in Mockingjay. Her look fits very well with Coin's description, and she's always been our number one pick. Some people say she's too old, but we think that's not a good enough reason to cut Helen Mirren out of the mix. First of all, casting for The Hunger Games has historically gone older than the book description (Lenny Kravitz, Donald Sutherland, etc.). Second, age in real life and age on the screen are not the same thing. We would prefer an older actress for Coin than a younger one. Nothing scares us more than a stern older lady with a too perfect haircut. We would also like to point out that many think Glenn Close is a great option for Coin. Guess what, friends?! She's only TWO YEARS younger than Helen Mirren. Regarding age, if Glenn Close could be the next Coin, why not Mirren? Lastly, since casting has been older for the actors and actresses, we think that since they went so old with Snow, they'll want a somewhat similar age range for Coin as the counterpart.
Now that we've gotten the age issue out of the way, Helen Mirren would be a spectacular choice on acting skills alone. She's played a ton of women in power, and has a very commanding presence. I bet she's got a whole closet devoted to all her acting awards, which goes with the casting trend of the adult actors. She would be a great match for Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, something we are dying to see. It's no wonder she's a fan favorite for President Coin.




Campaigning For Coin: Helen Hunt

This edition of the Hunger Games fan site series "Campaigning For Coin" focuses on Helen Hunt. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the fan sites will be sharing opinions on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. As always, be warned: Spoilers!

Down With The Capitol

Flo: The first thing I think about when I think about Helen Hunt is Twister. And I can't quite explain why that sold me on her for playing Coin, but it did. In talking with a friend, we came up with the realization that Helen Hunt usually plays characters who are strong...but also broken. There is a depth and complexity to how she plays her roles -- you can always tell that something more is brewing underneath. I think this quality is perfect for Coin. Hunt would nail it at the beginning, where we can see a strong woman who has built something big from nothing in 13....but at the same time, I think she could pull it off where she'd give you the feeling -- just the feeling -- that something is not quite as it seems with her. Then at the end of Mockingjay, when Katniss -- and we -- recognize what it is that is really motivating her: as the drama gets more intense and the stakes get higher she will slowly start showing the underneath. I think she would do it well.

HG Girl On Fire

Colleen: I have a hard time picturing Helen Hunt as Alma Coin. I still picture her as the mother to AnnaSophia Robb’s Bethany Hamilton in Soul Surfer, trying to be strong & take care of her family through a crisis. Or as football-loving Tami Maida in Quarterback Princess, who just wants the opportunity to play football like one of the guys. The characters Helen Hunt portrays are strong, but not cruel or manipulative. She just seems too kind and honest to be the calculating Alma Coin. She doesn’t have the dictatorial attitude of Alma Coin, nor does she seem believable as someone who would do anything & everything to achieve her goals.

Tiffany: When it comes to Helen Hunt I have mixed feeling about her acting abilities. I REALLY liked her in The Sessions, As Good As It Gets and Pay It Forward. Twister was a fun movie but nothing to really show off her acting abilties.I have yet to see her in something that could prove to me that she would make a great "Coin". A performance so different that it would stand out from the rest to prove to me that she could play a role as challenging as "Coin". I feel like it would take a stronger actress to play "Coin", not just in acting ability but in the way she holds herself as a person. I actually think that Helen Hunt has too kind of a face. I know she is a good age for this role but she just doesn't look it. Nor do I think she could act it at this point in her career.

My Hunger Games

Jacqui: What comes to mind when you think of Helen Hunt? For me, the girl next door, or the nice woman. I don't see her as Alma Coin, mostly because I don't see a huge range in what she has done so far. In fact, it's hard for me to see her as much more than Paul Reiser's wife (Jamie Buchman) in Mad About You. She has played some touching roles in movies such as Pay it Forward and Cast Away and she's had some great reviews for her latest movie, The Sessions. I have to admit though that I kind of shrug as I just can't get past thinking that she's just too damn sweet. She's OK, even pretty good, but for me, just not great. 


Molly: Helen Hunt has been out of the limelight for a while. Working as an actress since she was a child, she became well known for her award winning role as Jamie in the 90’s sitcom Mad About You, then went on to movie stardom in films such as As Good As It Gets, Pay It Forward, and Cast Away. She came back with a vengeance last year after being nominated for an Academy Award for her turn as sex surrogate Cheryl in The Sessions. (Also memorable to this fandom because it we’ll forever think of it as “Jennifer’s Academy Awards.”) So for me, it would be perfect timing for Helen Hunt to play Alma Coin. She has the look that could edge easily into icy severity, and she definitely has the acting chops: she’s one of only 2 women in history to have won an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Golden Globe in one year. But that’s me. Arowana from PanemPropaganda says: I hate this idea with the fire of a thousand suns because Helen Hunt is the downtrodden woman forced to make out with Hollywood's creeps (Jack Nicholson, Mel Gibson). She's a Princess! Not a Prim Murderer! Now if at any point they decide to do a Jack Nicholson Campaign For Coin, I have a lot of opinions on that too! I'm just saying he would be better for the role than Helen Hunt. Apart from that I'm totally with Molly in every way.

The Hob

Lee: Helen Hunt is definitely a versatile actress. Though most, if not all, of her roles have been portraying vulnerable women, they've also been infused with highly intelligent and focused characters. She might be able to physically embody Coin - with white blonde hair and sharp blue eyes, I can see where she would look like a good candidate for the role. However, I just don't see her in the role of President Coin. Ms. Hunt's characters historically have been so full of an internal, emotional life, I just don't imagine her as Coin - her innate humanity is in every line, which is completely counter to what a memorable President Coin performance should be.

Victor's Village

Rebekah: When I think of Helen Hunt in the role of Alma Coin I get happy flutters in my stomach. To start things off you should all know I've been a Helen Hunt fan since the '80s, when she graced us with her presence in Girls Just Want To Have Fun, and forever made us wonder just how to do such wonderful things with our hair. Seriously, check out Helen's hair in that film, it's epic. However, to everyone else Helen's claim to fame is likely Mad About You, the sit-com she starred in for nine years, and won four Golden Globes for. If you were born in the '90s though, Mad About You probably never crossed your path, which makes me sad in my soul, because it was a very well done show, it had amazing guest stars like Carol Burnett, and probably one of the best sibling dynamic relationships depicted in its 28 minute format. Anyway, Mad About You was an awesome show, and it was awesome in part because of Helen's talent. Since Mad About You went off the air in 1999, Helen's made a name for her self by doing a butt load of drama, and surprise surprise-- she's won, and has been nominated for her dramatic work numerous times. Truth be told, Helen Hunt is kind of an ideal candidate for Coin to me, and mostly due in part to her incredibly diverse dossier. Like Julianne Moore who was featured some weeks ago, Helen hasn't played the same type of character twice outside of her regular gig on Mad About You. So, push comes to shove, out of the collection of women who have been covered in this series, I say Helen Hunt is one of the best names to come out of the woodwork, and I'd love to see her rise to the challenge of going head to head with Jennifer Lawrence. 

Welcome To District 12

Courtney/Tiffany: Helen Hunt is a great choice for Lionsgate and fits the criteria for what they've been looking for in casting Coin hopefuls. She's a seasoned Oscar-winning actress who has played strong women, not so strong women, and isn't type cast in evil-ly roles. As Coin, you might not assume whether she is good or evil. Lastly, Helen Hunt and Philip Seymour Hoffman have a history in being in the best movie ever (TWISTER!!) so there's that too.  


Read previous editions of Campaigning For Coin featuring Jessica Tuck, Sela Ward, Katey Sagal, and Julianne Moore.



Campaigning For Coin: Jessica Tuck

This edition of the Hunger Games fan site series "Campaigning For Coin" focuses on Jessica Tuck. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the fan sites will be sharing opinions on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. As always, be warned: Spoilers!

Jessica Tuck is an American actress known for her roles as Megan Gordon Harrison on One Life to Live, Gillian Gray on Judging Amy, and Nan Flanagan on True Blood. 


HG Girl On Fire

Sheila: Jessica Tuck is one of my favorite fan casting choices to play President Coin. Best known to me as Nan Flanagan (the Vampire Spokesperson) in HBO’s True Blood series, Jessica is easily able to play someone in a position of authority with a great deal of political power, while having an agenda behind her agenda. On screen she easily plays the part of the well spoken politician, but behind the scenes switches her persona to be one of the most ruthless vampires they have on the show. Jessica’s character does what she does to get the job done and doesn’t apologize for it. She believes in her power and her right to wield it. In my opinion, if Jessica’s ability to play this type of character doesn’t scream President Coin, I’m not sure what does.


HG Fireside Chat

Savanna: Of all the potential Coins that we’ve discussed so far, Jessica Tuck is definitely my favorite! She comes very, very close to the fuzzy mental image of Coin that I developed while reading Mockingjay, and I think her look would really be perfect for the role. Tuck’s character on True Blood, Nan Flanagan, is a vampire rights activist and figure of authority in the vampire community. Although she always appears calm and poised in her public appearances, she’s quite ruthless and agenda-pushing behind the scenes. Remind you of anyone? While Flanagan and Coin are obviously very, very different, seeing how effectively Tuck portrays that “type” has convinced me that she would have no trouble bringing Coin to life and making her every bit as compelling as she is on the page. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the powers that be will want to bring in an A-lister to play Coin, and Tuck — while an absolutely gifted actress — is simply not at that level.

Crystal: I admit, the news about Julianne Moore possibly being Coin depressed me. Jessica Tuck has been the Coin in my head for at least a couple of years now. If you’re not sure who she is by name, she plays Nan Flanagan on True Blood and boy is she awesome at being curt, cold, and to-the-point. No matter who is cast for the part, if it’s not Jessica Tuck, I’ll probably keep seeing her as Coin. I’ll probably even pretend it’s her while watching the movies, that’s how badly I want her to be Coin!


Panem Propaganda

Arowana: Well Jessica Tuck definitely has THE AUTHORITY (Boom! True Blood joke straight off the bat) to play Alma Coin. As Nan Flanagan in True Blood, Tuck has already demonstrated that she has the stones to play a character that appears to be a fine upstanding leader of a segregated community, only to morph into someone quite unpleasant once the cameras turn off. The more I thought about this casting, the more I realised the parallels between Flanagan and Coin and the more I liked it. Flanagan isn’t afraid of a bit of collateral damage in her vision of the future, just like Coin, and in fact (Series 4 Spoiler Ahead) shortly before her decline, she too reveals a desire to overthrow the leadership status quo. Jessica Tuck performs this with spectacular ruthlessness and a steely authoritative stare. Keep in mind that Coin has brought her District through a survival-threatening disease outbreak already, and holds them tightly under a tattooed routine with heavy restrictions on all kinds of rations. She’s a scary lady with eyes the colour of “slush that you wish would melt away”, which I can see in Jessica Tuck. Of course, this might mean that Alma’s ulterior motives will be clearer sooner but let’s also remember that this woman played Sharpay and Ryan’s mother in High School Musical 2 and 3, and any woman who can withstand that girl can believably rule a nation.


Welcome to District 12

Courtney/Tiffany: Jessica Tuck is in the correct age range for Coin, but this choice isn’t one of those ‘wow’ choices we would like for such a big role. We know some fan sites really love her for Coin so we trust their judgement in acting ability, however she’s doesn’t have as much film experience as we would like. Her character on True Blood has many Coin qualities as well but we just don’t think she’s a big enough name for such a large role.





Campaigning For Coin: Sela Ward

This edition of the Hunger Games fan site series "Campaigning For Coin" focuses on Sela Ward. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the fan sites will be sharing opinions on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. As always, be warned: Spoilers!

Sela Ward is an American actress best known for her television roles on Sisters, Once and Again, House MD, and CSI:NY. Sela has two Emmys and a Golden Globe in her trophy case and has been nominated numerous times for various awards.  

HG Girl On Fire:

Sheila: When thinking about Sela Ward for the role of President Coin, one of the things I have the most trouble with, envisioning her as this character, is wondering if she has the steeliness and grit to pull of such a character. I remember Sela best for her work in The Fugitive, The Stepfather and the Day After Tomorrow.  The one thing I remember about Sela in each of these roles was her capacity to play a loving, nurturing mom and wife, so Im finding it difficult to see her in a role so different than ones she's already played. With that said, however, I do think she has the acting ability to play more diverse roles, I'm just not so sure she is my President Coin.

My Hunger Games

Jacqui:  You might not recognize the name, but you are sure to recognize the face.  Sela Ward has made numerous appearances on TV shows including House and CSI-NY  She is beautiful and she acts well.  In fact she took out an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her portrayal as Lily Manning in the series Once and Again.  She also received nominations for playing a struggling artist and recovering alcoholic in the series Sisters.  But could she be Alma Coin?  To be honest, I don't see why not, but there's nothing about any of her performances that I have seen that make me think "SHE'S THE ONE".  She is the type of actress that exudes an inner calm and peace, and could definitely portray a leader that has the loyalty and respect of her fellow citizens.  Perhaps then she would be the perfect ruse as Coin; to be revealed as a woman who SEEMS to want freedom and peace for the nation, but has no qualms in being cruel and manipulative and as self-serving as the most evil of dictators to get what she wants.  I guess all-in-all, I have a fairly luke-warm response.  I wouldn't be disappointed, but nor would I be thrilled.


Molly: I remember Sela Ward from the show Sisters way back in the 90’s. What I remember most about her is her distinctive, patrician look and her deep, rich voice. She even had a young George Clooney playing her love interest on the show. Since Sisters, she’s been a television regular on shows such as Once And Again, House and CSI:NY. She’s won two Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe. I think she’d be just fine as Coin, but that’s the problem. I don’t think any of us want a Coin that’s “just fine.” We want a Coin that will go toe to toe with Jennifer Lawrence, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Woody Harrelson and Donald Sutherland. We have an A-List cast, we need an A-List Coin.

Lee: On the surface, Sela Ward seems an unlikely candidate to portray President Coin. Her roles tend towards more genteel, soft spoken, circumspect characters, as we've seen in her parts on shows like CSI-NY and Sisters. However, it is these qualities I find so intriguing when envisioning Ms. Ward as President Coin. As Ms. Ward also stands tall and strong in her roles, she could make a credible Coin. Watchful and intense, the silence could work for her as the viewer would know she was focusing on her objective - domination, control and the quest to rule at all costs.

Tiffany: I feel like you won't recognize Sela Ward by her name, but you will by her face. Best known for roles on TV (House MD, CSI:NY, Once and Again) or movie parts as mothers (The Day After Tomorrow) and wives (The Fugitive), there's a good chance you've seen her in something and would immediately recognize her beautifully striking look. If the filmmakers were looking for a lesser known woman as Coin, Sela Ward would be an interesting choice, but chances are she may not fit in with the likes of Donald Sutherland, Woody Harrelson and Philip Seymour Hoffman in acclaim and recognizability. She may have won her fair share of awards, but she is a little lacking in the household name department. I've always liked Sela Ward in the roles I've seen her in, and I think she could pull off Coin's "severe" look, but Lionsgate, I feel, would want to reach a little higher.




Is Julianne Moore Being Considered For Coin?

According to and The Hollywood Reporter, Francis Lawrence and Lionsgate are eyeing Julianne Moore for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2! Just a rumor for now, but stay tuned! Coincidentally, we JUST did an edition of the fan site series Campaigning For Coin on Moore. Check out what we had to say about her casting HERE. Hint: We give it a three finger salute. 

From Deadline:

EXCLUSIVE: As The Hunger Games moves into the final two movies culled from the Suzanne Collins novel Mockingjay, I’ve heard that Lionsgate and director Francis Lawrence are eyeing Julianne Moore to play the role of President Alma Coin. She is the manipulative politician who figures brightly in the finale as Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) becomes a symbol of rebellion against the autocratic Capitol government. This is likely to happen quickly, and Moore would star in both of the final films, which brings back Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth and the returning cast along with Philip Seymour Hoffman, who will be making his first appearance in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, which the studio is planning to bring to San Diego Comic-Con in July. Color Force’s Nina Jacobson is producing the series.

From The Hollywood Reporter:

Julianne Moore is in early talks to join the third and fourth installments of The Hunger Games films.

The actress would play District 13 leader Alma Coin in the two-part adaptation of Suzanne Collins'MockingjayThe Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Talks are early, but Moore would join a cast that includes stars Jennifer LawrenceJosh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth as well asPhilip Seymour Hoffman.



Campaigning For Coin: Katey Sagal

Next up in the Hunger Games fan site series Campaigning For Coin is Katey Sagal. Every Tuesday and Thursday the fan sites will be sharing opinions on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. As always, be warned: Spoilers ahead!


Katey Sagal is best known for her portrayal of wacky Peg Bundy on the long running sitcom Married With Children. In 2011 she won a Golden Globe for her role as Gemma Teller Morrow in the acclaimed FX series Sons Of Anarchy

HG Fireside Chat

Savanna: Unfortunately, I haven't seen Katey Sagal in anything other than Married With Children and Lost, so I don't have a very wide range of projects to pull from as I assess her "Coin potential." That being said, just knowing that she once portrayed the hilariously outrageous Peg Bundy and then went on to give such a nuanced performance as Helen Norwood makes me feel like she can probably handle anything! Although Helen's role on Lost wasn't large, Sagal made the character memorable. While I would never have thought of her as a possible Coin on my own, the more I think about it, the more I love it. It would definitely be an unexpected casting choice, which makes the idea even more appealing to me. Acting skills aside, I feel that Sagal has a wonderful look for the part as well. She has such a strong, almost regal-looking face which I can easily envision going from cool and authoritative to absolutely menacing in a heartbeat.

HG Girl On Fire

Lindsay: For many, Katey Sagal will only ever be Peg Bundy from Married With Children. However, she is quite a talented singer and comedic AND dramatic actress, and is often looked over for a role like this. She is not someone I'd have thought of for Coin, so I really had to consider her once she was mentioned. She's the right age and has a fantastic look for Coin. My biggest issue with her, though it seems kind of small, is her very slow speaking style. Not that she can't speak quickly. But the way her speech comes across to me is very casual and laid back. I tend to think of Coin as being quick and curt. Again, that's not something that's a dealbreaker for me, but strangely is the main reason I think it'd be an odd bit of casting.

Hunger Games Examiner

Sara: Though she is perhaps still best known for her role on Married with Children, Sagal isn't just famous for her comedic chops. Sure, she's handled humor on Married with Children and on Futurama-- but she's also tackled much more serious dramatic roles in TV shows such as Lost and Sons of Anarchy. I haven't really seen any of Sagal's work myself, but if she can have a successful career balancing both comedy and drama, there's no doubt she could potentially tackle the role of Coin. Perhaps the biggest challenge she'd face is the leap from largely television roles to a major motion picture franchise.

Crystal: Sadly, I haven't seen Katey Sagal in much lately except for a few episodes of LOST, which was years ago. I've always wanted to watch Sons of Anarchy since I hear so much about her performance, but have never seen the show. I will say that I think she has a hardened look that could work well for Coin. I used to watch Married with Children and Futurama, so while it can be hard to look at her and not see ditzy Peg Bundy or one-eyed Leela, I think I could still detach her from those roles if she did a good enough job. And if she's in Sons of Anarchy, I'd say she's had lots of practice in being tough!

My Hunger Games

Kristen: Katey Sagal plays a Grade-A manipulator while simultaneously maintaining a caring, fiercely protective character archetype on the TV show Sons of Anarchy. That really surprised me, considering all I've ever seen her do prior to SOA was comedy. Don't be fooled by her stint on the sitcom Married...With Children; this woman is remarkably capable of playing a tough girl. However, if Sagal were to be cast as Coin, I worry that her acting history may lead audiences to see Alma Coin as a much less societally-threatening character than she was created to be. Sagal undoubtedly has acting chops, I just don’t want to be sitting in the movie theater watching Alma Coin on screen, but hearing Peggy Bundy in my head.


Molly: Most of you probably aren't old enough to remember Katey Sagal as the bouffant-sporting shopaholic housewife Peg Bundy in the sitcom Married With Children. And that’s GOOD because Katey Sagal is so much more than Peg Bundy, She's a remarkable woman. She's an actress and singer with a gorgeous, soulful voice who's been working in the industry forever, mostly on TV with some stage work sprinkled in. She's done a lot of comedy in the past, but her Golden Globe-winning turn as Gemma in Sons of Anarchy proves she knows how to play tough. She's the right age. She may not have been my immediate pick for Coin, but I like Katey Sagal and she’s got the talent to play the role. The biggest problem I see with casting Katey Sagal as Coin is that it doesn’t have that ""wow"" factor that they should be seeking for this role. Remember when we found out Donald Sutherland was cast as President Snow - “wow!” We're going to need a President Coin of equal caliber, and I’m not sure Katey fits the bill.

The Hob

Amanda: To be honest, this was a tough one for our entire staff. When discussing Katey Sagal as Coin, nearly each one of us said, "Peggy Bundy?" Granted, I know she's done other things - I loved her on 8 Simple Rules, was excited about her stint on Lost, recognized her voice in Disney's Smart House, and am aware the she received rave reviews (and award nominations) for her role on Sons of Anarchy, though I've never seen the show. And though I adore her as an actress, the idea of her as Coin is completely out of left field and I'm just not sure I can get on board. Has she shown the range necessary for Coin through her TV roles? Can she overcome the character she is famous for from Married with Children, even with the right hair and makeup? Can fans look past her very recognizable voice and see her as the plain, nondescript Coin? Too many questions that I don't have the answers too, so for me, Katey isn't quite a fit for the role.


Rebekah: I know for some people Katey Sagal being fan-cast as Alma Coin is kind of out of left field, but if you really think about it, it's not. Katey Sagal to the laymen is best known for her work on the long running '90s sit-com, Married With Children, but I screamingly implore people to get past the image you have of her as Peggy Bundy, with her teased red hair (which was a wig), to her gum chewing, lip smacking, feminine crossed legs that never stopped moving, to her loud low-cut tops, and her leggings-- Katey Sagal is so much more than Peggy Bundy. Katey Sagal has been in the entertainment business for over 40 years, starting out as a back up singer for famous musicians like Bob Dylan, and Bette Midler. She has an on going solo music career herself, and she's even been interviewed and promoted on such highly respected shows like Fresh Air on NPR. Music is one of her main passions, but she is an actress who hasn't stopped working seemingly for the last 30 years. She has 14 recurring roles to her name, three of which are roles she's still in the midst of doing, or is contracted to reprise eventually. Those roles are Gemma Teller Morrow on the critically acclaimed FX series Sons of Anarchy, where she plays the matriarch to a chapter of a fictionalized motor cycle club that's meant to resemble The Hells Angels. Gemma is a force to be reckoned with, and the role has let Katey do things that many actresses would simply be afraid to take on in realistic, and painfully honest ways. Gemma's no angel, for lack of a better word, but she's someone who you can relate to, love, and hate all at the same time, so in that sense I just described Alma Coin. Other roles she's still contracted to portray, Nancy Abrams on Glee, aka Artie's mom, and then of course there's Turanga Leela on the long running, and much-loved animated series Futurerama. Katey's also recognizable from her work on the ABC sit-com 8 Simple Rules, which co-starred the late John Ritter, and the now beloved Kaley Cuoco from The Big Bang Theory. And then there's her work on the ABC drama/thriller, Lost--where she played John Locke's love interest. The only thing that puts Katey Sagal out of the realistic category where it comes to being cast as Coin is this, she's freakin' busy all the time, and it would simply be amazing if she were cast, because it means she's has the best scheduling skills on the face of the Earth.

Welcome To District 12

Courtney/Tiffany: Aside from Married with Children and Futurama, we have seen Katey's performance on Sons of Anarchy, a role most closely associated with Alma Coin. Gemma's character is strong but manipulative. She plays this role particularly well, but we're not too sure she is a perfect fit for Coin. She could do well, yes, but we just don't see her excelling in this role as much as some other candidates we have discussed. Also, we're having a hard time seeing her wanting to be a part of The Hunger Games since we're remembering a very opinionated tweet from her husband Kurt Sutter calling it "Twilight with evil sports".

Check out the most recent Campaigning For Coin: Julianne Moore



Campaigning For Coin: Julianne Moore

We are honored to be a part of the Hunger Games fan site series "Campaigning For Coin." Every Tuesday and Thursday the fan sites will be sharing our opinions on different actresses we think may (or may not) be right for the role of President Alma Coin in Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2. Be warned: Spoilers ahead!

Photo by Kenneth Willardt

Julianne Moore: She’s an award winning actress best known for her varied work in films such as The Kids Are All Right, The Big Lebowski, Magnolia, and Boogie Nights. She recently won an Emmy Award for her turn as Sarah Palin in Game Change

Down With The Capitol:

Aldrin: Now, I've seen Julianne Moore's acting and it's clear she knows what she's doing. I can go on and on about how I loved her in Nine Months or The Kids Are All Right (also starring Josh Hutcherson), but let's look at something very obvious that proves she's good for Coin: she played Sarah Palin in Game Change. Trying not to sound too political here, but Sarah Palin was someone who was given lots of power, some might say more than she should have had. Some supported her, some hated her. Sound familiar? Granted, Palin and Coin are two entirely different people in so many ways, but the general principle applies. Julianne Moore has experience playing a woman in power, who had to put on a tough exterior despite the fact that many disagreed with her actions. Combine that with her impeccable acting skills in so many other roels, and I think you've got someone who could play Coin perfectly.

HG Fireside Chat:

Adam: Julianne Moore may not be quite as vicious and belligerent as some of the other candidates, but she certainly can act. In my view, she would excel at portraying the softer side of Coin, which could be extremely effective in fooling the populace -- then, when she proves to be much worse, it will be as shocking as it was for Panem's citizens. Moore is famous recently for The Kids Are All Right and Game Change, but I see a parallel with her role as a blood-to-the-bone revolutionary in Children of Men. There, she was good, but she had some of the same character traits as Coin, and she proved plenty competent in handling them. Moore would not be my top top choice, but I would still be fine with her selection.

HG Girl On Fire:

Lindsay: I am a fan of Julianne Moore and I think she is a stellar actress. She has impressive range, and when I think of her, I think of both her big laughs, and her sad/angry expressions, all at once. Her previous characters that stick in my brain are from The Kids Are All Right, and her stint on 30 Rock (with that wicked awful Boston accent!). But for some reason she doesn't jump out at me for Coin. While I think she could play the role with her hands tied behind her back (well, not really, obviously), I just almost feel like I have NO opinion about her. Which makes me think I don't like her for the role. Would I be disappointed if she were cast? No way! She's a superstar and  has the Emmy Award and numerous Oscar nominations to prove it. But she's not my first choice.

My Hunger Games:

Jacqui: I am a big fan of Julianne Moore.  She is quite a few of my favorite movies, including the Big Lebowski, The Hours, Far From Heaven and The Kids are All Right.  Her perfomances are nuanced and compelling.  She is one of those actresses that can balance drama and comedy with great effect; she can come across as completely empathetic, but also mysterious and remote. Her career is a mix of diverse and interesting roles and she's definitely one of those onscreen people that you can't take your eyes off. I think she would definitely bring something special to the role of Alma Coin.



Molly: I admit Julianne Moore never crossed my mind as an option for Coin, but now that I’ve had it swirling around in my head for a while I’m starting to love the idea. She’s an amazingly versatile character actress, she’s the perfect age, and can’t you imagine her rocking a razor sharp grey wig? I can certainly see her as the icy Coin with her fair skin and (cue the contact lenses) grey, pale eyes the color of slush “you wish would melt away.”

Coin needs to be cool, calculating and, in the end, as evil as President Snow (some would say MORE evil!) Julianne Moore has a hugely varied resume and can seemingly do anything. She’s played the villain a few times but mostly in domestic, realistic situations. This could be a nice addition to her credits.

It could also be one great big reunion - She’s worked with Josh Hutcherson in The Kids Are All Right, Woody Harrelson in Game Change, and Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Big Lebowski, Boogie Nights, and Magnolia. And her upcoming film Seventh Son ALMOST had her working with both Jennifer Lawrence (she bowed out) and Sam Claflin (he auditioned for the lead). I’m giving a three finger salute to Julianne Moore for President Coin.

The Hob:

Lee: Julianne Moore is one of the more interesting choices to play President Coin. Her work is so diverse, it's a challenge to view any single performance and point to determine her ability to play Coin. The characters she has portrayed have a level of intensity and her performances always exude tremendous energy. Many of the roles have been determined women, focused and willing to take risks to succeed. These are all qualities that President Coin has. Always a chameleon in her roles, Ms. Moore would be visually striking with snow-white hair, sparkling eyes, and a sense of invincibility in her portrayal.

Victor’s Village:

Rebekah: If you follow my writing on Victor's Village at all, you should know by now that Julianne Moore is one of a handful of actresses I've already written up about as a potential Alma Coin. Face it, Julianne is no slouch where it comes to acting talent, she has one of the more diverse, and critically embraced careers of an A-list who's still regularly working actress out there. From her work in films like Benny & Joon, Short Cuts, Boogie Nights, The Big Lebowski, A Map of the World, The End of the Affair, Magnolia, Far from Heaven, The Hours, The Children of Men, A Single Man, The Kids Are All Right, Game Change, and the recently released What Maisie Knew, she's proven herself as someone who 100 times over is capable of portraying every single kind of woman you can even remotely imagine. This woman is not afraid to take on even the most weird, the most despicable, the most shallow, and the most intense, and the most sad types of people. She's an actors actor, and the thought of her taking on a role like Alma Coin gives me giddy shivers down my spine, because I know she would sink her teeth into Alma's character like a juicy steak, and chew it slowly, precisely, and oddly beautifully. I've seen comments that some of the choices in this on going fan-casting series are too predictable, well-- Julianne Moore has never taken on a predictable project in her entire career. She does big budget films like The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Evolution with David Duchovny, and tiny art house films like Chicago Cab, and Savage Grace with Eddie Redmayne, and then mixes it up by taking a recurring role on 30 Rock opposite Alec Baldwin. No one, and I mean no one can say that Julianne Moore being cast as Alma Coin is predictable. This is why she's one of my top choices for Alma Coin, and also because I really really want to see her go head to head with Jennifer Lawrence.

Welcome To District 12:

Courtney/Tiffany: We are in agreement that Julianne Moore is one of our favorite actresses. She's a solid actress and has had a very diverse career. I mean, she has Maude Lebowski, Clarice Starling and Sarah Palin on her resume, to name a few. Sarah Palin is a perfect example of a role that Julianne already has under her belt and could be very helpful to her playing Coin. However, we do think that  her look isn't as cold and calculating as we imagine President Coin to be. But then again, that can work in her favor because who is to suspect ulterior motives from someone like Julianne Moore? A plus for her is that she has worked with Josh Hutcherson before, playing his mother in The Kids Are All Right. Last but not least she seems to be a fan favorite among THG fans, so that's a super bonus too!