Sam Claflin still can't believe he nabbed the role of Finnick Odair in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire! He talked about his good fortune during the press junket for The Quiet Ones.
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Catching Fire Actors News
Sam Claflin is featured in Marie Claire UK's May edition and he talks about his career, his wife Laura Haddock, and, of course, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay co-stars with whom he has, ‘probably too much fun.’
Transcript of the article and photo thanks to Sam Claflin Fans:
THERE’S A MOMENT ABOUT FIVE MINUTES INTO meeting Hunger Games star Sam Claflin where it feels less like a regular celebrity interview and more like a cathartic therapy session. Having begun a sentence with, ‘It hasn’t felt like my life has changed,’ Claflin starts to unravel. ‘I just feel very grown-up all of a sudden,’ he ponders, sinking into the sofa of a private lounge in a central London hotel.‘I have responsibilities. I have to take a few risks and there’s a lot more pressure on my shoulders now than there was a few years ago. I felt I could make a mistake and no one would care, whereas now people are starting to take note…’
Read more after the jump!
Josh Hutcherson was on Kentucky Sports Radio this morning talking about his beloved Wildcats basketball team and I don't believe I've ever heard that boy sound so fired up. As he says several times in the audio, he bleeds blue! Love to hear how he trash talked (trash texted?) with Jennifer Lawrence during one of their big rivalries.
This is audio only.
Sam Claflin attended the premiere of his new film The Quiet Ones at The Odeon West End in Leicester Square today. Check out some pics and video from the event:
Sam talks about Mockingjay, Finnick and filming in Europe at the end of this video:
Sam and his lovely wife Laura Haddock on the red carpet
Images thanks to MockingjayUpdates and Daily Sam Claflin.
Looks like MTV is throwing Katniss fans a bone by adding a new category to the MTV Movie Awards, Favorite Character. When the nominations for the MTV Movie Awards were announced, Catching Fire nabbed 7 of them, but we were all pretty surprised that Jennifer Lawrence hadn't been nominated as Best Hero for her performance as Katniss. There was even a very successful petition by Sophie Azran to get her added. Is this our compromise?
You can vote for Katniss in the new category Best Character HERE or vote with the hashtags #votekatniss on Twitter, Instagram and Vine. The best photos and videos from your social media will be featured on this page. The winner of this award will be announced on Sunday April 13th.
Sam all ready for his twitter Q&A with @FrightClubUKSam Claflin's new horror flick, The Quiet Ones, hits theaters on April 11th and he did a little twitter Q&A and made an appearance at the Apple Store in London today to promote it.
Sam at the Apple Store appearance in London
Sam, producer Simon Oakes and co-star Jared HarrisPhotos and Q&A transcript thanks to Sam Claflin Fans!
Twitter Q&A Hosted by @FrightClubUK:
@hutcher1997: How is preparing for this movie completely different to others you’ve previously filmed?
Sam: I had to research how to handle a camera, which I didn’t know about before.
@SamClaflin_IT: How was to play in a horror movie?
Sam: It was challenging, I got very familiar with my scared face!
@SamClaflinFans: What do you love the most about working in smaller production?
Sam: The intimacy of the cast and the crew – you all get to know each other a lot better!
@Melanie__SP: Why should we see this movie?
Sam: If you like to be scared – a very jumpy film that makes you think. It goes back to the classic route of Hammer.
@SamClaflin_IT: Can you describe the character of Brian in three words?
Sam: Non-believer, curious and reserved.
@SamClaflinFans: How would you describe the relationship between Brian and Professor Coupland?
Sam: It’s a tumultuous one – they have their ups and downs.
@RobHGHP: Who is the most interesting character in this movie for you?
Sam: It would have to be Harper (quiet, dangerous and beautiful)
@SamClaflinFans: Which scenes are you most looking forward to people to watch?
Sam: I’d say as we delve deeper into the scientific methods and experiments.
@HestIsBest: How successful do you think you’ve been in selling the idea that ghosts are something created only by our minds?
Sam: I’ve always been a non-believer but curious. The true story element opens up the debate.
@podcastd: Do you believe in ghosts and have you ever had a paranormal experience?
Sam: I’d love to have had one because I’m curious. I’ve had friends who have, and their stories interest me.
@hutcher1997: If you were in the same situation these university students are in, would you stay and film or bolt out of there?
Sam: I’d like to think that I’d stay there, but I have a feeling I’d bolt. It depends exactly how dangerious it is.
@atthebeach3: What sorts of things scare you the most?
Sam: The thought of losing someone that means a lot to me is what scares me most.
@catchingj0sh: Any funny moments on set?
Sam: Filming without sound effects and music, the director gave his impressions – which were always funny!
@kelsheewelshy: Any accidents during filming? Tripping on the stairs, running into a door?
Sam: Surpisingly not for me, which is rare – I’m usually the first to hurt myself!
@xol: After this is over, what other productions would you like to pursue?
Sam: I don’t have any expectations in mind.
@heyingridl: Which was the most difficult scene to shoot?
Sam: Any scene that required us to react to something that wasn’t there.
@heyingridl: If you had a theme song, what would it be?
Sam: Spice up your life!
@Love_Shrader: Hi Sam! Do you have any similarities with your character?
Sam: We’re both kind of reserved, non-believers but curious. He’s also a loving person. We also look quite similar.
Josh at the UK game in December '13
Josh Hutcherson missed his scheduled Kentucky Sports Radio appearance this morning because, as his mom relayed to fans listening to the show, he was "called to shoot a scene" on the Mockingjay set in Atlanta. Josh's mom Michelle was on the broadcast and couldn't patch him through to the show.
The only consolation if you wasted TWO HOURS waiting for Josh's voice is that's he's back on the Mockingjay set! He's BACK ON THE MOCKINGJAY SET!!
A little birdy tells us Josh was on set today to film a movie exclusive scene from Mockingjay Part 1. Possibly some behind the scenes footage of Peeta in the Capitol? *cue sobbing*
Sam Claflin attended a private screening of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire at Soho House in London to celebrate the release of the film on DVD and Blu-ray. Before the screening hosted by Digital Spy, Sam participated in a Q&A answering questions asked on twitter with #CatchingFireAskSam. Anyone get their question answered?
Here's video thanks to evad010:
Here's some of the highlights of the Q&A thanks to Digital Spy:
1. Sam has been part of both the Pirates of the Caribbean and Snow White franchises, but The Hunger Games is by far the biggest...
"For me The Hunger Games takes the biscuit - it's such an amazing experience, great working with the guys and you know it's a big happy family. We all have fun on set as much as we all work very, very hard and we all get on like a house on fire. You can't ask for anything more when you're working on a job like that."
2. Sam originally didn't realize that Hunger Games was a trilogy, but quickly became a fan...
"I typed 'Finnick Odair' into the internet and all these fan-drawn cartoons [came up] and I was like, 'Why am I auditioning for this guy?' He is tall, blond, handsome, with a six-pack and green eyes, and he's tanned, and I was none of those things. I read the books in five days and the moment I knew I had this audition I loved every second of it."
More after the jump!
Jena Malone posted this self-portrait from the Catching Fire set to her instagram yesterday with the caption:
Johanna Mason self portrait in the bathroom of my trailer. On the set of Catching Fire. So excited for the next two installments. When the world turns completely upside down :)
We're excited too, Jena!
Sam Claflin talks about his creepy new movie, The Quiet Ones in this new featurette. Check it out!
Josh Hutcherson gives advice to his younger self in this sweet little BuzzFeed Video.
To celebrate the release of the film on DVD and Blu-ray, Digital Spy has your chance to win tickets to a special The Hunger Games: Catching Fire screening in London on Monday, March 24th. Sam Claflin will be there in person to introduce the film and take part in a fan Q&A with those in attendance prior to the screening.
The event will take place in Central London on Monday, March 24 at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. This is a private screening, and seats can only be obtained via the competition entry form HERE.
Entries will be accepted up until Thursday, March 20 (so hurry!) and chosen attendees - who will be allowed to bring a guest - will be notified no later than Friday, March 21.
Congrats to Lionsgate on the huge success of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital HD! The company announced today that they sold an estimated 3.9 million DVD and Blu-Ray units in the first weekend, increasing almost 40% over The Hunger Games.
The press release:
Lionsgate (LGF), a leading global entertainment company, announced today that the global blockbuster Hunger Games franchise continued to gain momentum as The Hunger Games: Catching Fire sold an estimated 3.9 million DVD and Blu-ray units in its first weekend of North American release and had the biggest digital launch in the Company's history with opening weekend digital sales increasing nearly 40% over the first Hunger Games film.
The record digital performance was driven by #1 openings on all major digital platforms, including iTunes, Xbox, Amazon, Vudu, Comcast Xfinity, Verizon FiOS, Google Play and Sony Entertainment Network, among others. Higher-margin Blu-Ray titles surged to 50% of all packaged media sales of Catching Fire in its opening weekend compared to 35% of packaged media sales of the first Hunger Games film.
"This is a monster opening and a tremendous result for the second film in a franchise, underscoring the enormous momentum of The Hunger Games films," said Ron Schwartz , Lionsgate President and General Manager of Home Entertainment Sales & Distribution. "Opening weekend packaged media sales of Catching Fire were comparable to the first Hunger Games title released nearly two years ago while digital sales grew by nearly 40%. With strong increases in digital revenue and Blu-Ray accounting for 50% of packaged media sales, the opening weekend performance is driving significant margin growth and is a testament to the strength of the franchise."
"We opened Catching Fire on nearly 20 digital platforms, including six that have launched since the home entertainment debut of the first Hunger Games film in 2012, and it was number one on almost all of them," said Lionsgate President of Worldwide Television & Digital Distribution Jim Packer. "The broad demographic appeal of The Hunger Games franchise uniquely positions it for this surge in digital ownership."
Thanks to our friends at for the heads up and the photo!
Check out a brand new behind the scenes photo from the set of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Jena Malone and Francis Lawrence look ready to film the chariot scene or the infamous elevator scene. It's one of our first really good looks at Jena's District 7 Lumber costume, which was designed by Trish Summerville.
When the nominations for the MTV Movie Awards were announced last week, we were excited about the 7 noms The Hunger Games: Catching Fire received but were scratching our heads over a couple big omissions. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen was not nominated for Best Hero? What?! Seemed a little strange considering Catching Fire is the first film with a female lead to top the box office in 4 decades.
Leave it to our passionate fandom to not take this lying down. Sophie Azran, a college student and one of our favorite members of The Hunger Games fandom (and amazing graphic artist, check out her tumblr), started a petition to get Katniss added to the nominations for Best Hero. The petition reads:
There is not a single woman in the Hero Category. Don't let a strong woman like Katniss be overlooked!
Please sign and share this petition before April 13 to demand that MTV add Katniss Everdeen to the "Best Hero" category at the MTV Movie Awards.
Young women already have too few female heroes represented in film and television. We're constantly shown by the entertainment industry that men are brave, powerful, or successful, while women are often given supporting roles and weak characters.
I loved The Hunger Games, not just because it was a thrilling story, but because I admired the courage, intelligence, and persistence of Katniss Everdeen. Teen girls and young women everywhere need to see that courageous, principled women can be rewarded just like men.
The MTV Movie Awards are widely watched by a young adult audience. It's appalling to me that the event's producers are ignoring this female hero, especially since this film beat out all the others at the box office. But unlike the Oscars, the MTV Movie awards encourages public involvement, allowing the public to vote on winners. If enough of us ask for Katniss to be added, I'm confident that MTV will listen.
And it's getting national attention. E! News ran the story today, and TheWrap and IBTimes ran stories about it as well.
Feel the same? Sign the petition HERE. We did!
You can follow Sophie Azran on tumblr at or on twitter at @comockingjay
M Magazine just posted a short clip from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Blu-Ray exclusive 9-part making-of documentary, "Surviving The Game." Josh Hutcherson and Jena Malone talk about filming with a new cast.
Director Francis Lawrence with Jennifer Lawrence and Willow Shields on the Victors Village set
Thanks to Cinema Blend, we've got a look at four new behind the scenes stills from the set of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
Sam Claflin & Co on the cornucopia set
Elizabeth Banks, Willow Shields and Paula Malcomson in the Everdeen house
Stanley Tucci and Sam Claflin chat between takes
Here's one more bonus still thanks to Lionsgate!
Willow Shields made the rounds the past few days promoting the release of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital HD download. Check out some of her interviews below.
Willow talks to Young Hollywood:
Willow speaking with Extra:
Willow talks to OnTheRedCarpet:
Have you picked up your copy yet? Read our review of all the different available versions HERE or enter to win a copy of the Target 3-disc Combo Pak in our giveaway HERE.
We're about to surprise some Hunger Games fans who are at this Target buying the Exclusive Target Catching Fire DVD's!!Alan Ritchson stopped by a Target store today to surprise fans buying The Hunger Games: Catching Fire DVD 3-disc combo pak. Wouldn't that be awesome? Though all I can think about is that I'd be running to Target in my pjs with something totally embarassing in my cart and there would be Alan Ritchson.
Follow Alan on instagram.