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Jeffrey Wright


New Images From 'Mockingjay Part 1' - Day 2

Day 2 of the 8 days of new Mockingjay Part 1 image reveals on instagram  features Jeffrey Wright as Beetee and Stanley Tucci as Caesar Flickerman. 

The brilliant mind behind District 13's advanced weaponry... Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) returns as Beetee in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. 

An update to Jeffrey's bio on was also posted today around noon.

Critically acclaimed actor Jeffrey Wright [Beetee] continually pushes the boundaries of his craft with inspiring and celebrated performances in an illustrious career that has spanned the worlds of theater, film and television. 

The voice of the Capitol... Stanley Tucci returns as Caesar Flickerman in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.

Stanley's bio is also up on The Hunger Games Explorer.

Academy Award nominee Stanley Tucci [Caesar Flickerman] has appeared in over 50 films and countless television shows. He's appeared in more than a dozen plays, on and off Broadway, and has been behind the camera working as a writer, director and producer. 

Head over to to read both Jeffrey and Stanley's full bios. And check back tomorrow at 9am and 3pm PT for more images from Mockingjay Part 1.

Check out Day 1 - Gale and Cressida HERE



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New 'Mockingjay Part 1' District 13 Citizen Posters

We're getting an earlier than expected look at six new Mockingjay Part 1 District 13 character posters. President Coin, Haymitch Abernathy, Beetee Latier, Effie Trinket, Plutarch Heavensbee and Finnick Odair are featured in their District 13 finest. And by finest we mean their drab grey uniforms. Looks like Effie is making the most of what she's been dealt in 13. You go, Effie. 

The posters debuted on various websites tonight after they were leaked a bit early online right after the District 13 mobile site launch

We assume this is the first wave of District 13 citizen posters and we're very excited to see Katniss in one of them, hopefully in the near future. Because District 13 is alive and well and so is the Mockingjay.





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Francis Lawrence Says 'Mockingjay' Will Wrap in 5 Days

Francis Lawrence announced via twitter that Mockingjay will wrap in 5 days. FIVE DAYS!! We are assuming that he means 5 business days and that they'll wrap on Friday, June 20th, but that's just a guess. Jeffrey Wright and producer Nina Jacobson chimed in about wrapping as well. And Jeffrey also tweeted about saying farewell to his character, Beetee. 

Judging from YOUR reactions to this news on twitter, facebook and tumblr, we need a fandom group hug. Or a trailer, how about a trailer? That will fix us right up. 




Jeffrey Wright Talks About Mockingjay and Jennifer Lawrence in His Reddit AMA

Jeffrey Wright did a Reddit AMA this morning to discuss his role as Dr. Valentin Narcisse on Boardwalk Empire and to raise money for two of his favorite charities, Tribeca Film Institute and Taia Peace Foundation. He talked a bit about Mockingjay and the joy of working with Jennifer Lawrence.

Jeffrey said he was in Brooklyn for his AMA chat. Wonder if he's wrapped his scenes on Mockingjay already?

How awesome is Jennifer Lawrence really?

She’s really awesome. I have to say, as awesome as you might imagine. The brilliant, vibrant, upbeat and original personality. Working with her is a choice between focusing and laughing yourself into hysterics.

Hi there, I was wondering if you've read the whole Hunger Games series (and if so, your thoughts)? Or what best helped you get a sense of the type of person Beetee is and how to portray him? Thanks!

Yes, of course I’ve read the whole of the Hunger Games series. I think it would have been foolish not to, considering all of the wonderful detail and background story that they contain. They represent the whole cosmology of these character and habits. If I was going to be able to flesh out my character, I needed to know as much as possible, so I went there to discover that. There’s a lot there, but I think that Suzanne Collins tapped into something very much within the moment that we find ourselves in. On set, we’re continually amazed at the way in which the world outside the set is reflected within the world we’re trying to recreate from her books. The books and movies are directed towards young minds, which make them all the more exciting. This moment recently in Thailand, where protesters were throwing up the Hunger Games hand sign in the streets, was just kind of mind boggling and odd in the best way, and only indicative of Suzanne’s stories and ideas, and of these movies we’re all a part of.

Hey I just met a girl named Valerie on Tinder who said she's a pro actor in Atlanta who will be in both Mockingjay 1 and 2. Is it true or is she bullshitting me?

Well, since you’ve only met her online, I think there’s probably any number of questions regarding whether or not she is who she says she is. I would say the chances that she is real are 50/50. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Why don’t you ask her who’s the best at forgetting their lines on set, and if it’s me, she might be onto something...

Thanks for bringing life to your character in Mockingjay, and so brilliantly! What is/was your favourite part of working on Mockingjay?

My favorite part of working on Mockingjay, that’s kind of an easy question. My favorite part was working with all of the other actors and Francis Lawrence, our director. And being on set with the crew; the atmosphere and the feeling that was created is a combo of hard work and good focus.

Do you think the message in Hunger Games is actual for nowadays' world?

I think so, and it seems to me that I’m not alone in that, because the popularity of the stories would suggest that. I think the stories are relevant, not only in a way that’s relevant to our time, but I think there’s a kind of universal humanity that touches people that is timeless. Katniss, who is the focal point of this story, is a classically mythic figure, who undertakes these extraordinary adventures and who faces these phenomenal challenges, only to really make her way back home and back to the things that are granular and that are most dear to her and most intimate for her. We all understand that and we all get how meaningful that is.


If you'd like to support Jeffrey's favorite charities, Tribeca Film Institute and Taia Peace Foundation, he's offering you and a guest the chance to join him on the set of Boardwalk Empire. You can enter here. See his entire Reddit AMA here.



Jeffrey Wright's Live Web Chat With L.A. Times

Jeffrey Wright did a live web chat with L.A. Times' Glenn Whipp today, and he spoke to us from his trailer on the Mockingjay set at Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. Jeffrey says he's finished shooting all of his scenes from Mockingjay Part 1 and is on to Mockingjay Part 2 and that they have "a little over a month" left of shooting.

Jeffrey starts talking about Mockingjay at about 13:47.

Wright said that, "people have a more personal relationship with this material" than any other project that he's done. He shared, "In Mockingjay, this world, this society, that's been created by these books is now completely undone. It's now set ablaze."

On Jennifer Lawrence: "This is a wonderful cast led by Jennifer Lawrence. And fortunately she is just, beyond being an intensely interesting actor, she's a riot and one of the funniest people you ever hope to meet."

On Beetee: "He has a sense of clarity about his response to this unjust society and the oppression of the Capitol. There's a sensitivity about him that conflicts with the brutality of his work."
