Viewing entries tagged
mockingjay filming


'Mockingjay' Wraps in Atlanta

According to Mockingjay producer Nina Jacobson, filming has wrapped in Atlanta. They'll head to Europe soon to shoot in Paris and Berlin. Filming is expected to continue until early June.

Marian Green, our District 9 female tribute in Catching Fire was also busy on twitter today! She revealed that she's also been working on Mockingjay. We're assuming it's as a stunt woman or stunt double but we'll have to wait and see.




First Casting Call For 'Mockingjay' In Berlin!


The first extras casting call has gone out for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay in Berlin! Our friends at first discovered this post in a German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost. I've re-translated it here for you so it's a little bit easier to read and understand. Such exciting news! German tributes - let us know if you get a peek at any of the filming.

From Berliner Morgenpost:

Hollywood returns to the region – and many can join. The casting agents of Berlin agency “Film Faces” are looking for approximately 1000 extras for an international film which shoots in the early summer at, among other places,studio Babelsberg in Potsdam. The applicants should have “character” faces, as the agency said. The men must be between 18 and 65 years, and of foreign nationality – for example African, Asians, south Europeans and Middle-Eastern as well as African-Americans.

The casting call boasts working alongside actress Jennifer Lawrence (23) in the American science fiction film, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. At the German premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Lawrence announced she’d be returning soon to Berlin. That time is finally here. Mockingjay Part 1 & 2 are being shot in different locations around Berlin and Brandenberg. Studio Babelsberg have already started pre-production on the project. Studio spokesman Eike Wolf did not want to confirm this for “privacy reasons” however.

"Film Faces" will be casting for extras 26 April in Berlin at the Delphi Movie Palace. Those picked should expect one to three days of shooting.




Swan House Preps For 'Mockingjay' Return

Swan House stood in for President Snow's mansion in the Catching Fire party sceneAccess Atlanta's Jennifer Brett was on the Mockingjay set today and she spoke with Jeffrey Ellis of Atlanta Creative Studios, the team responsible for transforming Swan House into President Snow's mansion. Mockingjay will return to film at Swan House in the next week or so.

Workers are putting in long hours to ready Swan House for Mockingjay. All photos Jennifer Brett/AccessAtlanta

From Access Atlanta:

President Snow has some sumptuous accommodations awaiting him in Buckhead as Mockingjay continues filming in Atlanta.

The elegant Swan House, site of a good bit of filming for Catching Fire, is readying for the return of the Hunger Games series.

Catching Fire filmed in areas including the dining room, an outside courtyard and an upstairs room in scenes featuring Donald Sutherland's character, President Snow, along with lead Jennifer Lawrence's character, Katniss Everdeen and others.

This time, workers are prepping a downstairs room to serve as Snow's quarters. The room, normally stately and sort of subdued, has been rendered positively resplendent by Jeffery Ellis and his team at Atlanta Creative Studios.

Jeffrey Ellis preps a room in the Swan House for Mockingjay filming. Photo by Jeenifer Brett/Access Atlanta"We've been busting it," he said, and by that he means working long and hard hours. Initially he thought workers could spray-paint the ceiling and do the detail work by hand. But the Swan House and spray paint have nothing in common. All the work must be done by hand, to protect the interior of the home, on the grounds of the Atlanta History Center.

"They said, you're not spray-painting anything!" Ellis said. He also worked on Catching Fire, and other projects have included The Walking Dead, Zombieland, Stomp the Yard and a number of Tyler Perry productions. He also does corporate work but enjoys the hustle of movie-set design.

"The time element" is the biggest challenge, he said. "They keep changing it. You'll finish and they'll say, 'what about this?'"

There's a joke among folks in his line of work:

Q: How many artistic directors does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Does it have to be a lightbulb? Could we try something else?

You get the idea.

Mockingjay is due to return in the next week or so, and as Ellis' team works inside, a crew outside is prepping some of the exterior areas. The outside of the Swan House was featured extensively in Catching Fire party scenes but Ellis wasn't able to say exactly what will be going on this time. He did salute everyone at the Swan House.

"All the people here are great," he said.



'Mockingjay' Moving Back To Swan House + Last Chance Extras Casting

According to Access Atlanta, Mockingjay will return to The Swan House very soon to film additional scenes:
The historic building on the grounds of the Atlanta History Center was the site for a good bit of filming for "Catching Fire," the second in the "Hunger Games" series. Elaborate party scenes were filmed on the grounds and interior scenes were filmed in the dining room. An upstairs room served as President Snow's office.

The series finale, "Mockingjay," which will be split into two movies, returns in a few weeks. The Swan House staff is readying for the movie's return by emptying out the living room on the main level, close to the dining room.

Additionally, CLCasting, who have been doing most of the extras casting for Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2, have announced a "Last Chance" opportunity for casting in the "Untitled Trilogy" (which we all know is MJ). The types they need are things like "GREAT LOOKING MEN AND WOMEN" for a "Mansion" scene, "Peacekeepers," and "Council Men and Women." All of these parts shoot between March 26th and April 17th, which is supposedly the last day of shooting in Atlanta.   

Sounds like they could be shooting the scenes in Mockingjay where Katniss and Snow have their final confrontation in his quarters, where Katniss reaches City Circle and Snow Mansion, and maybe even you-know-what (major twist) scene on the front lawn of Snow Mansion.  And if you don't, go back and read Chapter 26.

Director Francis Lawrence talks about this particular scene in the Catching Fire filmmaker commentary:

"It was fun to design the entrance to [Snow's] house that will become key in the next movies, in Mockingjay. The entrance from the square - there's a big scene that takes place in Mockingjay right outside the house here."

Thanks to our friend strawberrycupcakeprincess for the tip!



Is 'Mockingjay' Gearing Up To Film Finnick and Annie's Wedding?

CL Casting, the company that's doing the Mockingjay casting in Atlanta, just posted some VERY intriguing casting calls that suggest they might be gearing up to film Finnick and Annie's wedding! Why is this exciting? Because it's Finnick and Annie's wedding!!

The first call asks for Contra dancers, "In which couples dance in two facing lines or a square."

The second call works the same days and calls for a fiddler:

When you read this excerpt from Mockingjay it all starts coming together:

After the kiss that seals the union, the cheers, and a toast with apple cider, the fiddler strikes up a tune that turns every head from 12. We may have been the smallest, poorest district in Panem, but we know how to dance. Nothing has been officially scheduled at this point, but Plutarch, who's calling the propo from the control room, must have his fingers crossed. Sure enough, Greasy Sae grabs Gale by the hand and pulls him into the center of the floor and faces off with him. People pour in to join them, forming two long lines. And the dancing begins.

Thanks to our friedns at The who figured this out first and got our Fannie fangirl hearts freaking out!




The 'Mockingjay' Team on Marketing and Plans for the Next Two Films

Variety just posted a great article on the Mockingjay films. They spoke with Lionsgate's head of marketing, Tim Palen, producers Nina Jacobson and Jon Kilik, production president Erik Feig, and director Francis Lawrence on everything from the marketing plan to European shooting sites. Read on:

“When we started, we decided to look at this as one big movie that’s eight hours long,” notes Tim Palen, the architect of Lionsgate’s marketing effort. “Otherwise, it’s going to be kind of overwhelming to do a new campaign for each movie.”

Palen admits the bar is set higher for the Mockingjay movies than for the first two pics — even though foreign box office jumped by more than 50% (to $450 million from $283 million) from the first to the second pic.

“A big part of the second film was growing the franchise, and the greatest potential was international,” he says. “We did a major presentation to distributors in Cannes, and did six premieres outside the U.S. And we still have room to grow. We’ve matched Iron Man 3 on domestic, but we can do better on international.”

Mockingjay: Part 1, which hits theaters Nov. 21, takes place in a location far different from the world of Suzanne Collins’ first two books — and the first two movies in which Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss Everdeen battles through two versions of the gladiatorial Hunger Games. In the coming film, Katniss becomes the poster child of a massive rebellion in a world on the brink of war.

In his promotional materials, Palen used the iconic mockingjay image from the The Hunger Games book covers for the first film as a symbol of freedom and for the second with the pin ablaze. In the third image, the bird is breaking free and taking flight — reminding fans of what they liked about the first two movies and hinting at what’s to come.

Director Francis Lawrence ended Catching Fire with a shot showing a spark in Lawrence’s eyes, followed by the rebels’ mockingjay logo. “It was a great way get from one to the next eloquently and elegantly,” Palen notes.

There will be reveals of the campaign in May at the Cannes film festival and in July at Comic-Con. Until then, Lionsgate is trying to keep specifics under wraps, though director Lawrence allows that the next two films take place in a Panem so devolved as to be barely recognizable.

Much more after the jump!



Buttercup's "Crazy Cat" Scene Confirmed by 'Mockingjay' Producer Nina Jacobson

Producer Nina Jacobson confirmed today on twitter that it's Buttercup's big day on the Mockingjay set! Apparently, they're filming the "Crazy Cat" scene in District 13 today. For those of you who don't know who Buttercup is - and if you don't this whole website must be thoroughly confusing -  it's Prim's beloved cat, who is barely tolerated by Katniss.

Prim and Buttercup. Image courtesy Seventeen

In Mockingjay, Katniss devises a game of "Crazy Cat" to entertain the citizens of District 13 while they're confined *SPOILERS* because of a bombing. Katniss shines a flashlight around the compartment and Buttercup tries to catch it. It later becomes a metaphor for how Katniss is feeling about *SPOILERS* Peeta's capture and torture, so it's a pretty important scene and one we're thrilled is staying in the movie!




Make-up Supervisor Ve Neill Talks 'Mockingjay' - "It’s nice to have a group of actors who enjoy coming to work.”

Photo thanks to Allure Magazine Makeup artist Ve Neill has served as makeup department head for all of the Hunger Games movie adaptations. Neill told EW that she’s consumed with work on the The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. “It’s going to be pretty spectacular. Julianne Moore is on with us now as President Coin and she’s great. We have quite a few new characters who’ve joined us,” she hinted. “They’re all wonderful to work with. Jennifer [Lawrence] and Josh [Hutcherson] are absolute dolls. It’s nice to have a group of actors who enjoy coming to work.”

What’s next in the Hunger Games movies and how do you help tell the story through makeup? 
We’re going into the third book, which is when they go to war. You’re going to see a lot more wartime stuff. They’re going to go into district 13, which we’ve never seen and nobody thought existed. These people have been living underground, so you’re going to see a lot of that. Everybody is pretty plain. There’s not a lot of exotic looking stuff in the third movie. In the fourth movie, we go into The Capitol again and you’ll start to see some crazy stuff there. We’re really going for it on the fourth one. Part one is a wartime movie and we have four huge “prosthetic days” that include a hospital full of injured people who have just come in from bombings. They’re burned and missing limbs. We have a lot of distressed looking makeups as opposed to glamour.

How big is the part of the Hunger Games makeup department that you oversee?
We have three makeup artists who are on all the time and we have one make-up artist who runs our tech unit, who works with us concurrently doing interior and pickup shots. She sometimes has fifteen people working with her. Right now we’re doing stuff in District 13, so we have 20 extra makeup artists, and there are even more people in the hair department. We have a lot manpower because there are over 400 extras. They live underground, so nobody has tans. Everybody has to look sickly. Those are the types of makeups we’re doing — very simple, really pale.

What’s it like working with the stars of the movie?
They’re all wonderful to work with. They all have children… well Josh and Jennifer don’t, but a lot of our other adult principals have children and, of course, their kids are all really happy that their parents are working on the Hunger Games, so that’s fun for them. We have a terrific director and we don’t work hellacious hours. No 19-hour shoot days. They try to keep it to 12 hours so that everybody stays relatively healthy and rested.

Though you might have less work to do if the extras came to set already looking a little sickly.
We’ll just make ‘em look that way.


Neill talks more about her role as judge on the show "Face Off" in EW.



'Mockingjay Part 1' Filming Resumes Outside Atlanta Today

The Newnan Times-Herald is reporting that Mockingjay Part 1 filming has resumed at the Caldwell Tanks in Newnan, GA as of today.

The Mockingjay crew unloading equipment at Caldwell Tanks. Photo by Clay Neely

Just weeks before the release of Catching Fire, the film crew was at Caldwell Tanks building a coliseum set in the largest of the warehouse buildings. The first shoot began on Dec. 18, which only lasted two days. Today, the filming got underway again, though it is unknown for how long they plan to film. The set is obviously closed to the public.

Thanks to the Newnan Times-Herald for the info!



PHOTOS & VIDEO: 'Mockingjay' Set at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA

Mockingjay is filming at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA again! Thanks to some observant fans we've got pictures and video of the action inside the hotel. On Location Vacations reports that one of their Twitter followers, @emileerocks13, let them know that Mockingjay was setting up to shoot a scene in the hotel. Emilee and her friend Meredith let us know that they're filming a rescue scene in The Capitol (PEETA!!) Sunday and Monday with Gale and Boggs. Scroll down to see their pic of Liam Hemsworth and Francis Lawrence on set!

Check out this blog post by Hunger Games fan Meredith about her experience at the hotel and seeing the set.

UPDATE: Our follower, Dustin was at the hotel on Monday, Dec 16th and reported the following:

Lots of extras in all black playing unconscious/dead on the Pulse set. Tons of security. Hotel staff on walkies and regular clothed film crew in the hallways. 10th floor being used again. Crew may be wrapping soon on this set. Cake was being passed around to crew.

The next 3 pics are Dustin's shots from 12/16.

Dustin's pics from Dec 16th on the Mockingjay set

Liam Hemsworth and Francis Lawrence on set

See more photos and video after the jump!

Thanks to our good friends (who spotted it first!) and On Location Vacations for the information and @emileerocks13, @MeredithJane5 and @pheasantjumpers for the on site reporting and photos! Thanks to our good friend Tiffany from for additional photos!



Official: Castor and Pollux Cast!

Twins Castor and Pollux, who work with Cressida and the others in Mockingjay, have been cast! Curiously, the actors are not related themselves. ;)

Wes Chatham has been cast as Castor, while Pollux is being played by Elden Henson! 



Wes Chatham has been in movies such as "The Help," and several TV series. Elden Henson was most recently seen in "Jobs" - and was one of the original Mighty Ducks! 



Jennifer and Liam in Atlanta

Photos from the filming of Mockingjay Parts 1 & 2 are finally starting to trickle in, and yesterday saw the surfacing of both Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth - with Liam sporting what is believed to be the uniforms worn by those in District 13!

We have to admit these photos are slightly bittersweet, though ... it's the beginning of the end!

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