American teen magazine Seventeen recently featured an article entitled "10 Secrets from the Catching Fire Cast." 

Josh and Jennifer Swapped MAJOR Kiss Spit!

"When I watched the playback of the kiss between Jennifer and me, there was this slobber string and it was so gross! In the moment, I didn't realize what was going on."

—Josh Hutcherson, Peeta

They Played a Goofy Game!
"We had this funny game we used to play on set. I don't even know how it started! Basically, somebody would make the 'OK' sign with their hand and would hold it down real low, and if somebody saw it, they stuck their finger in it. It sounds ridiculous, but it went on the entire shoot!

—Lenny Kravitz, Cinna

What Josh Brought Everywhere
"I don't have a good luck charm I bring on set, but I did bring my speaker set! I brought my portable wireless speaker set because I have to have music everywhere."

—Josh Hutcherson, Peeta

How the Tributes Trained
"We did a lot of martial arts training. There's a lot of choreography where I'm spinning around and whipping these [knives] and rolling around. It was taxing, but it was a lot of fun!"

—Alan Ritchson, Gloss

 The Costume Lenny Kept!
"I kept one thing from the set. There's a leather jacket that Cinna wore in some scenes, and I had to have it. I made sure that it went with me."

—Lenny Kravitz, Cinna

 Peeta's Makeup Prep Routine
"It took 20 minutes [to do my face makeup] on days where I had a bad breakout—which happened a lot on set! Covering up my tattoos adds another hour and a half.

—Josh Hutcherson, Peeta

How They Bonded Off Camera
"We had a lot of down time on set, so the Tributes and I would all hang out together and watch movies. Alan Ritchson [who plays Gloss] and I shared a trailer, so people migrated toward us. Our trailer always had someone in it!"

—Stephanie Leigh Schlund, Cashmere

The Longest Scene to Film
"The Cornucopia scene took us weeks and weeks to shoot. It's kind of funny because what could be just five seconds on-screen in the movie probably took us a week and a half to film. For me, it's a month of memories, but some of the segments are going to go by so fast!" 

—Alan Ritchson, Gloss

You can read it for yourself here, at
