Capitol TV was relaunched on TheCapitol.PN with a revamped look and a ton of new content today. Caesar Flickerman "interviews" The District Heroes, a "Mandatory Viewing" video about rolling blackouts in The Capitol, and a piece on digital make-up are all part of the redesigned portal. Unfortunately, most of you couldn't access the content this morning and we're hoping that all of the elements will be live and accessible sometime today.

Special thanks to for the screenshot of the new Capitol TV. 

Meanwhile, check out some of the highlights from CapitolTV at TheCapitol.PN:


You know them, you love them; here to sit down with Caesar Flickerman for a Capitol TV Exclusive interview are our very own District Heroes. Join us for an enchanted round table discussion as Caesar gains insight into the unique Districts, and the beautiful people representing each one.

CAESAR: Welcome, welcome, welcome to each and every one of our very special District Heroes. We are absolutely thrilled to have you all here today, although Malcolm, I’m rather bereaved at the absence of your tire trousers.

MALCOLM KASTEL: Those were a photoshoot exclusive, I’m afraid- if I never see those things again, it’ll be too soon.


ELIAS HAAN: They had to cut him out of them! The closure got caught and they had to bring out these industrial scissors, it took hours.

(all laugh)

CAESAR: Alas! Gone for good then, such a shame. It would seem, however, that you have all picked up the Capitol aesthetic rather quickly—who exactly can we credit for your transformation?

NAIDA DOLAN: We each got our own personal stylists when we were selected for the Heroes series. And it’s a good thing, too- Felix would still be wrapped up in bison fur if he had a choice.

FELIX STAM: (smiles) Nothing wrong with being comfortable.

FIBRE BISSETTE: (looks down) ...This is how I always dress.

CAESAR: Lucky for your stylist then! You know, it’s quite the rare occasion that we welcome a group such as yourselves to the Capitol for the first time. Tell me, as fresh eyes—what is your initial impression of our beautiful city?

TRITI LANCASTER: It’s loud, very loud. (laughs)

FELIX STAM: The mountains are stunning.

MALCOLM KASTEL: It’s very bright, too. There isn’t a lot of color back home, so seeing this much color is very different.

NAIDA DOLAN: It’s like a rainbow! We were taken straight to the photoshoot when we first arrived, but now that we’ve gotten to explore—it’s a really beautiful place.

CAESAR: Ah yes, the photo shoot—what an experience that must have been for you all! Was there anything about that day in particular that really stands out for you?

NAIDA DOLAN: All that wonderful, delicious food they had for us! I can’t remember the last time I ate so much.

TRITI LANCASTER: The detail and care was very impressive also. I was not expecting them to hand me my harvesting quiver to wear—not a prop, but my own quiver from District 10, cleaned up and shining. It is a part of me, just like my District, and it meant so much to have it in the photo.

ELIAS HAAN: Agreed—I had my grandfather’s axe, Naida’s earrings were made from pearls her grandmother dove for, Lily was shot with her father’s mask and helmet. Each of us is pictured with something deeply significant in our lives, and I think that’s really important to mention.

CAESAR: A truly touching inclusion, to say the least, which brings me to my next question. It seems that a certain portrait has stirred some controversy around child labor in the districts. Lily, this one’s for you—are you ready?


CAESAR: They sprinkled you with a lot of dirt for the shoot, but have you ever really gone to work in the mines?

LILY ELSINGTON: No, you have to be eighteen. I’m not eighteen.

CAESAR: Right you are —

LILY ELSINGTON: I go to school. It’s boring.

(all laugh)

CAESAR: Well, show me a kid in any District who likes school and I’ll eat my microphone, am I right? The public will certainly be happy to have that cleared up. Could you tell us instead Lily, why you wanted to be here, as a District Hero?

LILY ELSINGTON: (smiles) I’m the future. I’m going to make things better. You’ll see.

CAESAR: Big plans from a little lady, I love it! So patriotic. All of you are clearly filled with an unmistakable pride for your own individual Districts. Even in our short time here I have already been deeply moved—I have, truly. I would absolutely love to hear more about your vital roles in your beloved Districts. Elias, would you like to start us off?

ELIAS HAAN: Well thanks, Caesar—I mean, I’m just a regular ol’ lumberjack back home in 7. When I was younger I was small, and my parents didn’t think I’d be able to keep up with my brothers and sisters, but here I am just the same. Being out in the woods is what I live for. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

MALCOLM KASTEL: I manage a rubber factory in 6 where we produce specially-threaded tires for Peacekeeper vehicles. It’s a family business of sorts, my father held the position before me, and his father before him. It’s an honor to work in the footsteps of great men.

FELIX STAM: Small animal veterinary care.

NAIDA DOLAN: My turn! (laughs) I always get excited to talk about my family. The women have been pearl-divers as far back as we can track—it’s a really exquisite kind of free diving. I’m a little different, since I dive for lower-depth fish, but I still love it. The sea is an entirely different world.

TRITI LANCASTER: I am responsible for tilling and harvesting my assigned crop in 9, along with several other members of our community. My work gives me purpose, and I am thankful for it.

FIBRE BISSETTE: I am a top-level electrical and mechanical engineer in 3, my accomplishments include floor-up restructuring of the ventilation system in Panem’s train network and significant advancements in holographic technology and display density.

CAESAR: Fascinating. And tell me, what have you missed the most about your District during your recent travels?

FELIX STAM: The grass in the fields of 10 on a warm summer day. It’s the smell of home and this feeling of peace; there’s nothing like it.

ELIAS HAAN: ...That is literally the most I have ever heard him speak.

FELIX STAM: Wisdom lies not in the voice, but in the heart.

NAIDA DOLAN: (laughing) Gosh Felix, you could write for Caesar!

CAESAR: (motions offset) Virgil, you’re fired.

(all laugh)

NAIDA DOLAN: Seriously though, I know it sounds silly but I really miss my bed. In 4, we sleep suspended off the ground in hanging beds—sort of like hammocks, but more taut. I just can’t get used to sleeping on a bed that’s stuck to the ground.

TRITI LANCASTER: Where I come from in District 9, there is an unprecedented sense of community. In work or play, we exist for each other and the connection is truly palpable. It is difficult to be without them.

MALCOLM KASTEL: My wife… and my little girl. She’s a couple years older than Lily here, and looks just like her mother. I’ll be glad to return to them.

CAESAR: Truly, family is so very important in our lives; in my own interactions with District citizens, the sense that “family” extends further than blood relation was very apparent. Do you find this to be true?

TRITI LANCASTER: It is very much the case in 9. Our daily responsibilities bring us a unique closeness- a bond cemented by our combined efforts. My fellow citizens are undoubtedly my family.

MALCOLM KASTEL: Really, aren’t we all? There’s no separation there as far as I can see. I mean, obviously your relationship with your immediate family is special in its own right, but we are also all—from the Capitol to District 12—children of Panem, and that’s something I remember every day. I work toward my daughter’s future, and the future of every citizen in every District.

FIBRE BISSETTE: Malcolm has a point. Although my work is more… advanced than some of you, I recognize that my existence is invariably intertwined with all of yours. Even the most complex applications are bound to the proper functioning of the lowest level languages.

NAIDA DOLAN: (giggles) Fibre’s very smart.

CAESAR: My my, indeed she is—but I believe every individual at this table is highly intelligent in their own way. Before we wrap up, would anyone like to bring anything else to the table?

TRITI LANCASTER: I believe I speak for all of us when I say it is an honor to represent our homes in the Capitol, and we thank you for the opportunity.

NAIDA DOLAN: It’s a dream to be here, honestly. Thank you Caesar.

CAESAR: It has been my distinct pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen of the Capitol:

your District Heroes!

 (Crowd cheers)

