Naltalie Dormer (cressida) was on VH1's Big Morning Buzz Live this morning promoting her new movie, The Counselor, and she spilled some great info - and some lies - about Mockingjay 1 & 2. Read on to hear what she has to say about Cressida's look and how they departed from the book.

“I get to wear pants and flat shoes!” she laughed. “No, it’s just fun to be, you know, she’s a serious professional whose joined the rebellion cause. Cressida is meant to be an incredibly talented documentary film director who was following Katniss around. I’m just really excited about her professional skill; she’s joined the rebellion out of a place called conviction, which is very interesting to me.”

Another interesting thing about Cressida is her appearance. When Katniss first meets the filmmaker she’s described as having “a shaved head tattooed with green vines.”

Dormer might have showed up on Big Morning Buzz Live with flowing blonde locks, but we had to ask if she was pulling a “Karen Gillan” on us. At Comic-Con, Gillan stunned everyone when she revealed that her hair was a wig and that she had actually shaved her long red hair to play Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Dormer revealed, “I haven’t shaved all my head of hair off, no.” However, before fans get in a tizzy, she did remark that her look is “definitely an interesting interpretation of the reference in the book. I would like to think that people won’t be disappointed with the choices that we made.”
