Image by Mark Mann. Courtesy of Esquire

To commemorate Esquires's 80th anniversary, they are creating a living portrait of the American man in 2013. The Life of Man is an interactive gallery using exlusive photos and video of 80 accomplished men, one born in each year of Esquire's history. Josh Hutcherson and Woody Harrelson have been included in this living portrait with new photos and video. Photography by Mark Mann.

Image by Mark Mann. Courtesy of Esquire

Woody Harrelson

Proudest accomplishment: “Without question, my kids. Not that I worked that hard in the early stages—a couple of grunts and a nap. I should have never said that. Oh, fuck. Yeah. My kids.”
Best day so far: “The day I met my wife Laura, which was on the set of Cheers. This media workshop from UCLA came by, and she was a part of it. This was the one time in eight years that we went and talked to them–Teddy [Danson] first, and then I talked a little while. I asked if anybody had secretarial skills, and she raised her hand. Before you knew it we were having a long talk, and she became my assistant. And after three years of that I gave her a raise.”
