Josh Hutcherson spoke with KISS 92.5 in Toronto during TIFF and had a LOT to say about the Jennifer Lawrence photo hacking.


“These are crimes,” he said of the massive hack. “These are absolutely crimes against human rights.”

“The fact that people react the way they do and look at that,” said Hutcherson, “It’s so unbelievably embarrassing to have somebody look into your private life,” he said. “It’s really disheartening to see that this is where the world of entertainment has gone and it’s gone that way because of greed and media and people feeling like they deserve something and have a right to something that they absolutely do not.”

Hutcherson said he hasn’t spoken to Lawrence since her photos were posted online.

“Everybody deals with those sort of situations on their own, in their own ways,” he said.

“None of us signed up for our private lives to be made public,” he said. “I started acted when I was nine years old, Jen started when she was 12. You don’t have this idea of celebrity at that age. You have the idea of wanting to make movies and have a passion for storytelling. It’s what we’re good at. It’s what we do. It’s not like we just made this choice and decided ‘Oh yeah, I want to be an actor because I want to make movies but also there’s a fame element…’ No, we didn’t think like that. At least I didn’t and I know Jen didn’t.”

Josh recently saw the finished The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, which is set for release in November.

 “I loved it. I’m so proud of it. I’m so glad that they split it into two movies because there’s so much that happens in that third book that if you tried to squeeze it into one two hour movie you would have lost so much,” 

Hutcherson insisted fans will be thrilled by Mockingjay.

“It’s really dark, it’s really intense and the way you see how these characters try to recover and then build up a counterstrike against what they’ve experienced is really intense,” he said. “You’re absolutely going to love it.”

The star said it was hard to wrap production and walk away from cast and crew who worked together for a big part of the past four years.

“We’ve gone through some big changes together, just personally and professionally, that it’s hard to know that you’re not going to be 12 hours every day for months at a time with them,” said Hutcherson. “We’re still close, we’re still friends, we talk all the time — but it’s not the same so I’m definitely going to miss it.”

Did Hutcherson take a souvenir from District 12?

“I actually took the pendant that I gave Katniss — the one that opens and has the picture of her family, from that scene on the beach. I took that. It’s my one memento,” he confessed.

“It’s in my house in my desk drawer. I’m going to try to purposefully lose it — but in a way that I know I will find it in the future.”

