The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is reviewed in the February issue of SFX magazine, and there's also a tiny little interview with our Finnick, Sam Claflin included alongside the review. Check out what Sam had to say when he spoke with SFX's Tara Bennett:

What appealed to you about playing Finnick?

That I was playing a character where I would be physically in shape and challenged with the fighting side. Finnick is also so complex, having bad points and good points, so I get to portray a character you don't quite trust.

Was the physical preparation a big change to your daily routine? Yeah, I'm English so I like beer and Christmas dinner! But what's great about working on Finnick was I had no time to eat or drink, as I was literally in the gym. It was time-consuming in a good way.

Did the fan backlash at your casting get in your head? I have to admit I'm one of those people who read things on the internet about me being cast as Finnick. It spurred me on every time someone said, "He's so ugly! I'm going to hang myself!" The fact is it made me work harder to prove them wrong. I'd like to think a lot of people have changed their perception of this English kid getting the part.

[SPOILER ALERT!] In book three, Mockingjay, Finnick meets a nasty end. Worried about that bit? Yeah, there is that. I think my brother is very excited about that scene! I can't wait to get started on the next one, to get thrown into the mix again, and to work for Francis, who I see as a pure delight to work for. It's exciting times.
